Event Flooring
Outdoor events can draw a large number of visitors into a venue that has facilities not designed to handle such large numbers. To ensure all patrons have an enjoyable and safe experience the event manager will bring temporary infrastructure such as toilets, fencing, catering, structures and flooring into the venue based on the expected attendance. Analysing the whole site to identify expected pedestrian flow and concentrated crowd areas as well as weather forecasts is an important step in mitigating risk as Event Flooring can be an ideal safety solution.
A music festival will have a stage for performers and depending on the type of music, there may be a dense concentration of dancing taking place right in front of the stage and if this is on slightly wet grass then this can quickly turn to mud and become a safety hazard. Our SupaTrac and ProFloor pedestrian floors act as a protective barrier between the stomping feet and the wet ground. The key is to have the floor in place before the ground starts getting trampled as it will stop the ground from opening up and turning into mud.
The front of catering areas and bars as well as just outside toilets can be areas of very high pedestrian concentrations where Event Flooring can be of benefit.
Event Flooring in front of toilets also aids in keeping the toilet floors clean and clear of mud. If there is no floor in place, patrons simply take all the mud directly in and onto the toilet floor on the soles of their shoes.
We can deliver, install and remove it for you or leave that up to you. Call, email or make an enquiry now for an instant price on hiring our Event Flooring products.